The Antari W-515D is a super all around budget workhorse. Its variable output allows you to control your desired level of fog.
A special continuous output mode allows the machine to produce fog without stopping.
The onboard digital control panel allows you to control everything—rate of output, fan speed, fog interval duration, and more.
The W-515D also features a wireless remote control that allows you to turn the machine on and off easily.
Operating the machine by DMX gives you fine control over the output of haze.
When combined with a fan or set of fans, the W-515D can be used to generate atmospheric haze. The haze is ideal for creating sharp shafts of light or accentuating the look of laser beams.
We like the W-515D for horror and sci-fi movies, as well as theatrical performances on a budget.
In our tests the W-515D was able to reduce the transmission of light one stop at a rate of 10,900 cubic feet per minute.