Special Effects
Equipment and Supplies


At Roger George Special Effects, we help you bring magic to life. Our company has been serving the motion picture, television, theatrical, circus and theme park industries for decades. Whether you need effects like rain or fog, snow or ice or even dust and dirt for added realism - we've got you covered.

We also provide specialty equipment for stunt performers, grips, riggers and industrial testing facilities.

Special Effects Specialists

We only deal in special effects equipment and supplies. We're here to help professional special effects technicians get the shot with the right gear. 

We're Here To Help

Have a question? Give us a call! We're here to help you find the right product for your need.


World Wide Shipping

No matter where your production is shooting, our world wide shipping experts can get you the products you need for your show.

Roger George SPFX

14525 Bessemer St.
Van Nuys, CA 91411

Mon -Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

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